BOTOX® characteristics
BOTOX® is your best choice to smooth away wrinkles
- 透過高科技純化,從肉毒桿菌A型中萃取的蛋白質。#
BOTOX® is a purified protein complex extracted from bacterium Clostridium Botulinum# - 能降低肌肉收縮張力,有效放鬆導致動態皺紋的面部肌肉。15
BOTOX® can reduce tension caused by muscle contraction, and relax facial muscles which cause dynamic wrinkles15 - 持續重複BOTOX®保妥適®療程,有助減低動態皺紋出現,效果更顯著自然1。
Repeating treatment with BOTOX® helps smooth away dynamic wrinkles naturally1
- 透過高科技純化,從肉毒桿菌A型中萃取的蛋白質。#
Only 10 minutes to get rid of annoying wrinkles
由專業醫生分析你的紋路分佈,將BOTOX®保妥適®應用於臉上最適當的位置。 10分鐘的簡單療程,療程後第2天開始發揮功效,約第4天即能接近100%改善17。Following a facial analysis performed by a doctor, BOTOX® is applied at the most appropriate positions on your face. The simple 10 minutes treatment starts its effects on the 2nd day. You can usually see nearly 100% improvement on or about the 4th day17.